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The project is almost self contained and only needs:

  • cmake installed (version > 3.14)
  • a C++14 compiler installed: MSVC 19 or 17, g++ or clang++.
  • a build of Universal Scene Description version >= 20.11. (I am not sure the USD libraries provided with maya, houdini or omniverse would work)

If you managed to build USD, compiling usdtweak should be easy, cmake needs only 1 required variables:

  • pxr_DIR pointing to the USD installation directory containing the file pxrConfig.cmake

Compiling on linux

On linux it should compile with:

git clone
cd usdtweak
git checkout develop
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dpxr_DIR=/installs/usd-22.05 ..

Compiling on MacOs

It compiles on MacOs Catalina. The viewport doesn't work as the required OpenGL version is not supported, but the layer editor does.

git clone
cd usdtweak
git checkout develop
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dpxr_DIR=/installs/usd-22.05 ..

Compiling on Windows

It should compile successfully on Windows 10 with MSVC 19 or 17 using the RelWithDbInfo config. Make sure you open/use the x64 Native Tools commands prompt before typing the following commands:

git clone
cd usdtweak
git checkout develop
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -Dpxr_DIR=C:\installs\usd-22.05 ..
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo

Installing on Windows

You can install usdtweak with its dependencies on windows, it copies the required files in a directory with the following command:

cmake --install . --prefix <where_you_want_to_install_usdtweak> --config RelWithDebInfo

Note that it is not really tested on anything else than my machine/setup so it might not work for you, feel free to get in touch if you have any issue.

Creating a Windows installer

There is an experimental packaging system using cpack/NSIS on windows which creates an installer. You have to make sure the nsis application is available on you system, you can download it from here NSIS. The command to create the installer is then:

cmake --build . --target package --config RelWithDebInfo

Compiling with your version of glfw

usdtweak is using GLFW for its windowing system. cmake should normally download, compile and install glfw without any user intervention. However, if you already have a compiled version you want to use instead, and you'll need to disable the automatic build of glfw, by passing an additional cmake variable:

  • glfw3_DIR pointing to your GLFW installation directory and containing the file glfw3Config.cmake

A cmake command will then look like:

cmake  -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -Dpxr_DIR=C:\installs\usd-21.11 -Dglfw3_DIR=C:\installs\glfw3-3.3.6\lib\cmake\glfw3 ..